Registration Documentation

Once your student is accepted you will need the following documentation to complete your student’s registration:

  • Student’s Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Student’s Immunization record or exemption form
  • Student’s Vision Screening if the student is starting kindergarten or if the student is coming from out of state
  • Student’s IEP or 504 if applicable
  • Legal documentation in case of legal guardianship, divorce/custody, or restraining orders
  • School Medication Authorization Form if your student will be taking prescribed medication while at school

Students need to be current with the following immunizations, have an exemption, or proof of immunity:

5 doses DTaP, DTP Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis 4 doses OK if the last dose was given after the fourth birthday
4 doses OPV or IPV Polio 3 doses OK if the last dose was given after the fourth birthday
3 doses Hep B (HBV) Hepatitus B
2 doses Hep A (HAV) Hepatitus A
2 doses MMR Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Both given on or after first birthday
2 doses Varicella Chickenpox

If you have any questions please contact the front office at

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